Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 ACCESS APPLICATION

Please complete this form to apply for formal access to government information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act).  If you need help in filling out this form, please contact the Right to Information Officer on 02 6455 3361.

Your Details

The questions below are optional and the information will only be used for the purposes of providing better service.

Proof of identity

NB: Only required when an applicant is requesting information on their own behalf.

When seeking access to personal information, an applicant must provide proof of identity in the form of a certified copy of any one of the following documents:


Government Information

Note: If you do not give enough details about the information, the agency may refuse to process your application.

Form of Access

Application Fee Payment Options

(Note: please DO NOT send cash by post)

Disclosure Log

If the information sought is released to you and would be of interest to other members of the public, details about your application may be recorded in the agency’s ‘disclosure log’.  This is published on the agency’s website.

Discount In Processing Charges

You may be asked to pay a charge for processing the application ($30 / hour). Some applicants may be entitled to a 50% reduction in their processing charges.  If you wish to apply for a discount, please indicate the reason:

Please attach supporting documentation (eg a pension or Centrelink card).
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